The Family Business Advisory assists Clients in the family relationships management, in the definition of ownership, the governance structures and the next generation planning
Our main family business advisory services are:
- Check-up of the relationship between owning family and company
- Definition and establishment of rules and principles that discipline the family – business relationship
- Assistance in the implementation of rules in company statues and shareholders’ agreements
- Re-design of ownership and governance structures to improve the governance of the company, wealth protection and succession processes
- Best practice analysis, establishment of holding companies, assets pin-offs etc.
- Strengthening of the BoD: composition, functionality, roles and powers.
- Support in the preparation of meetings and in the implementation of the changes
- Establishment of family councils
- Support in the process of power delegation and in the definition of rules regulating the employment of new generations
- Assessment of young family members and design of careers path
- Tutorship through assistance and periodic review